Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hair... (:

As some of you may know......I used to have very long hair but last year cut it really really short......):
I guess I thought.....I NEED a drastic change! LOL   I think very differently on the subject now! hair has grown to be a little longer then shoulder length......So not much farther to go......( I want to grow it to my lower back! (: But since I can't do these beautiful curls in my hair right now....I will be content to post pictures of what my hair WILL look like when it grows to the desired length!
I want my hair to look exactly like this! (:
I guess you could say that I am obsessed with the beach waves style!
Ohhhhh Goodness!!!!!!!!
I would also do this......I like her bangs!
This girl is in need of a modest dress......BUT....I love her hair!
Yet another hair style I love......Messy, braided, ponytails....That is a MUST DO!!!!!!! (when my hair grows out)
This girls hair is really pretty too..........Love the loose waves! 

Hope you enjoyed viewing my dream hair pictures! :P


Emelie Claire

1 comment:

Heather NZ said...

I know what you mean by a style obsession. Mine is crown braids.